Thursday, August 2, 2007

"We live in Melbourne but visit the UK a couple of times a year, which we love doing, to catch up with friends and family.

One of the major disadvantages is that smoking is still allowed there.

Smoking in Australia was banned 5 years ago apart from pubs and some clubs. The ban received massive public support.

When we come back to England why do we have to be afflicted with the smell, the health hazard and the litter of cigarette ends?

We don't want the smell in our clothes and our hair. We don't want the stuff polluting our lungs. We don't want to look at the garbage on the streets.

We fully support the right for smokers to practice their filthy habit furtively and in private.

It is now the 21sy Century and toleration of smoking is no longer what civilized countries do".

Extracted from the BBC website and written by the Action Network User

1 comment:

swagata said...

smoking is better than alcohole. so those people are smoking is better civilized than the alcoholic people. Govn shuold ban on alcohole as well if they want to ban ciggarate.