Monday, July 23, 2007

Cigarette Smoking...

Cigarette smoking is very hazardous to health. All of us are aware of this and yet the population of people who are smoking is just growing everyday. Currently an international based survey was conducted and the results shows that the men smokers have reduced as compared to the women smokers.And this is very true as we can see it for ourselves when ever we go out. And most of these people who smokes start smoking quite early when they reach their teens.It is hard for them to come out of it if they start it that early as they tend to get addicted to it as it contains a very high percentage of nicotine's. And they also find it hard to stay away from smoking as they will have to maintain the nicotine levels in the brains as to avoid negative affects of the nicotine withdrawal and also to modulate mood.

Regular smokers tend to exhibit higher and lower levels of stress and arousal, as compared with the non smokers and also have a higher impulsive and neurotic ism trait values. And those who becomes dependant in this nicotine's will go through major depression, anxiety disorders, and so on and this is why when they quit smoking they find it hard to cope up with that lifestyle as they tend to loose their strength and self confidence.

So friends out there who smokes, well I am sure by reading my blogs you guys will roughly know more information about cigarette smoking and soon you guys will also be aware of the health diseases caused by this smoking habit and I hope you guys will try to reduce and quit smoking gradually as there are many ways to help smokers to quit smoking nowadays.


notsuya~今 said...

I can't stand for those people who smoke with non-stop! It is terrible when the smell comes out and influences othe people.. Some more, the smoke is dangerous for health also. If you stress with something or smoke once in a long while then is still ok for me. Take care of your health guys (I mean those smokers)!

Nivin said...

It's true that your comments reflects on how hazardous smoking is to health hope that more smokers happens to quit after having going through more health awareness campaigns..